Start your day winning with 3 major goals.
Here’s how you decide on what to prioritize, and why
If you struggle to get anything done daily, its usually because:
a) You try to achieve too many things in a day, or
b) You don’t have the energy to work as expected.
The first one can be due to an overpacked schedule, poor prioritization, unnecessarily high motivation, etc. One way to handle this is to build a stronger ability to focus.
This article is not to teach you how focus is. You can read about that here.
This is about three specific goals you need to focus on to have a fulfilled day. My definition of fulfilled is when you are able to finish your most important tasks/habits.
The ones that define who you are.
This way, no matter what you don’t get done, you can maintain a balanced mind to try again the next day.
So, what are these goals?
1. A goal for your spirit
If you acknowledge that you have a spirit, you should nourish it daily. For some, this involves early morning prayers or studying holy scriptures. For others, it is meditation or yoga, introspection, or whatever helps establish a spiritual connection.
You can feel calmer and more collected with daily spiritual practice. A daily goal for your spirit can be 10 minutes of meditation or prayer. Even when setting monthly, quarterly and annual goals, don’t neglect your spiritual side.
I have a spiritual goal of reading one chapter of the Bible daily and praying for at least 5 minutes before work. I take it even more seriously than my other goals (at least I try to). When I’m not calm in my spirit, I feel like I have no control over anything else.
2. A goal of your body
Think good nutrition and exercise. You can’t think or act right if you don’t treat your body well.
Your goal here could be as simple as working out for 30 minutes daily, or eating some amount of vegetables, or drinking water at regular intervals. Honestly, you should do all these things. And that’s what makes body goals different.
You can’t do one thing and forget others. You should drink water, eat healthy, work out, control your portions, not eat late, etc. Neglecting any of these will reduce the optimal functioning of your body.
I assure you, they are equally important.
3. A goal for your mind
This relates to your work — how you think critically and solve problems.
What is the greatest channel through which you deliver value? Fuel it. It could be a skill for your job, business expertise, a hobby you want to monetize, or whatever. Block time every day to get better at it.
In my current job, I am a data analyst. However, in the next 10 years, I see myself writing more. So, every day by 7:00pm, I have my bath, take my Omega 3 capsules, and write 500 words. Before I do anything else on my laptop.
It’s a military tactic I learned from a HubSpot course. No matter how shabby I feel, even when my writing won’t be good, I still write.
Just like spirit and body goals, it’s not about how good the outcome is. It’s about fulfilling that goal for that day.
Let the outcome take care of itself.
Before you go, what three goals will you be setting for yourself today?
Make them count.
I truly hope this helps.
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